Our Products

HealthCare Solutions


Developed over the past ten years and in cooperation with the largest medical facility in the Canadian Forces (CF), Britech’s Operational Readiness (OPR) suite of software products provide a complete record of medical information for CF members. The suite of software applications greatly enhance the efficient and effective delivery of health services through the maintenance of up to date clinical information, the tracking of paper records and the flagging of medical deficiencies of CF members. The suite’s central scheduler ensures efficient patient flow while contributing to effective departmental management through the many available utilization reports. A central module links all other Britech modules, enabling electronic order entry and results reporting directly to care providers. The various modules combine to offer CF leaders an up to date readiness report of all CF members for deployment or occupational requirements.


Mobility & GIS Solutions

Britech’s Mobility/GIS software allows you to combine geographical location data with user defined survey data collection processes. This revolutionary product combines accuracy and flexibility enhancing data collection and analysis in travel study surveys. The resulting information greatly assists policy makers and stakeholders to make more informed and more effective decisions by relating survey data with location. The manipulation and analysis of the combined data creates meaningful displays for policy makers and researchers.

Enterprise Solutions

Britech’s software has been designed for use on either stand-alone personal computers utilizing Windows desktop operating systems or in networked Novell or Microsoft environments.

Britech’s products are designed as modular components of a fully integrated facility wide management information system. Our staff is committed to working closely with clients to provide software solutions that will not only meet their immediate needs, but also allow for expansion and enhancement to meet future needs. Since its inception, Britech has developed alliances with Professionals who have provided invaluable advice during product development.